No Reason to Blush by Pastor Lloyd Pulley, May 2023

Living Stones Series: First Published in All Around Old Bridge Publication – May 2023

By Pastor Lloyd Pulley

The origin of family names and mottos is a fascinating study. Mine came from England with a motto in Latin, “Nulla pallescere culpa,” meaning “no reason to blush.” Despite the moniker of good character and courage attached to my name, my youthful rebellion led me to do many bad things. But when I was caught, I would turn beet-red, leading to the nickname “Pink Lloyd.” Determined to stave off this humiliation, I purposely practiced becoming shameless. I could string enough curse words together to shock a gang member! But the weight of my guilt eventually got to me, and in my first year of college, I surrendered to God and began to experience a new kind of freedom – the ability to do the right thing and enjoy it most!

Dealing with shame from disobedience, Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves and hid from God. One can hide bad behavior and avoid embarrassment for a season, but ultimately this leads to an overwhelming gap between what you are and what you appear to be. Many today hide in appearances of goodness, but the facade is hard to keep up and is inevitably exposed. To live honorably and enjoy doing right is true freedom. But without God’s help, that is impossible!

Today there are growing numbers not hiding evil but openly celebrating it with pride. They reject biblical morality and, with hardened hearts, are fulfilling Jesus’ prediction of love growing cold and leading to lawlessness.

Unless we experience a revival of true Christianity, realizing Jesus died to take our shame, bearing our sin on the cross, I fear it may be too late. Surrender to God that you might have true freedom and no reason to blush!